
KIPMall Bangi is a landmark community centric mall located in Central Malaysia and was first acquired by the Sponsors on 26 March 2015. KIPMall Bangi, which rests on a 92,817 sq ft land, is located along Jalan Medan Bangi, Bandar Baru Bangi. As at 31 March 2024, KIPMall Bangi has 114 tenancies and it continues to be a platform for local SMEs to expand their businesses within the locality for shoppers to enjoy a one-stop shopping destination. Currently, KIPMall Bangi is divided into several areas for, amongst others, a retail lots, a supermarket, an entertainment area, a fast-food area, restaurants, a badminton court and various promotion areas with an NLA of 287,883 sq ft.

Property name KIPMall Bangi
Address No. 1, Jalan Medan Bangi, 43650 Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor Darul Ehsan
Title Information HSD 36945, PT 29330, Mukim of Kajang, District of Ulu Langat, Selangor Darul Ehsan
Encumbrances / Endorsement
  • Charged to Malaysian Trustees Berhad registered on 2 October 2019
  • Private Caveat lodged by Malaysian Trustees Berhad registered on 18 July 2019
Tenure 99 years, expiring on 14 July 2093
Gross Floor Area 348,203 sq ft
Lettable Area 287,883 sq ft
Average Occupancy Rate 9MFY2024: 82.7% (9 months financial period ended 31 March 2024)


No. 1, Jalan Medan Bangi, 43650 Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor Darul Ehsan

Leasing Enquiries

+6010-220 8079