Our Sustainability Performance
Due to our uncompromising adherence to our ESG principles, we managed to reach several important milestones. Building on this year’s accomplishments, we intend to achieve even greater success in our sustainability journey and positive environmental impacts, aligning with Bursa Malaysia’s Sustainability Reporting Guide, the Global Reporting Initiatives (GRI) Standards, United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDG), FTSE4Good Bursa Malaysia Index and the Task Force on Climate-related Financia Disclosures (TCFD) Framework.

How We Contribute to the UN SDGs
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is a comprehensive blueprint adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015, designed to tackle global social and environmental challenges. This agenda consists of 17 Sustainable Development Goals ("SDGs") that serve as a universal call to action for creating a sustainable and equitable future.
In 2024, KIP REIT continues its commitment to advancing specific SDGs, significantly contributing to key areas such as:

No Poverty
Provided support to 523 underprivileged community members.

Zero Hunger
Distributed food to 4,430 participants during Ramadan and Hari Raya Haji.

Good Health and Well-being
- Organized 14 blood donation programmes.
- Medical insurance coverage for all employees.

Quality Education
Achieved 2,408 training hours for all KIP REIT employees.

Gender Equality
33.33% of our Board of Directors, and 53% of our employees are female.

Clean Water and Sanitation
Recorded with 14% reduction in the water intensity.

Affordable and Clean Energy
Generated 4,814,887 kwh of solar energy in 2024.

Decent Work and Economic Growth
- 22% increase in the revenue recorded in 2024.
- RM12.2 million invested in Asset Enhancement Initiatives ("AEIs").

Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
100% purchase with local suppliers.

Reduced Inequalities
Establishment of Diversity Policy and Labour and Human Rights Policy in 2024.

Sustainable Cities and Communities
Installation of solar panels in all 6 KIPMalls.

Responsible Consumption and Production
- Diverted 96.6 tonnes of our waste away from landfills in 2024.
- 43% of new suppliers assessed based on environmental criteria.

Climate Action
Additional disclosure of Scope 1 and Scope 3 emissions in 2024.

Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
0 corruption cases reported in 2024.
Key Sustainability Highlights in FY 2024

Our Sustainability Journey
We began our journey in 2018 with our first Sustainability Statement, and will continue to drive our sustainability performance as we endeavour to meet and actively expand our ESG ambitions.
- Published first Sustainability Statement
- Disclosures on Economic, Environmental and Social areas.
- Identified 8 key stakeholder groups and inclusion of stakeholder engagement table.
- Disclosures under 5 capitals (Financial, Manufactured, Social and Relationship, Human and Intellectual, and Natural Capital).
- Identified 9 key stakeholder groups and disclosed in-depth stakeholder engagement table
- Identified sustainability matters (Environment, Social and Governance)
- Incorporated ESG strategies and integrated 8 UN SDGs accordingly into 5 capitals (SDG 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13 and 16)
- Maintained 9 stakeholder groups, 3 sustainability matters, 8 UN SDGs and 5 reporting capitals.
- Integrated ESG into day-to-day management operations
- Established a Sustainability Steering Committee chaired by Chief Sustainability Officer comprising all Heads of Departments
- Conducted first materiality assessment and identified ten material matters
- Realigned the Manager’s initiatives and reconfirmed 7 UN SDGs
- Developed an ESG Framework
- Established a Sustainability Policy
- Conducted materiality reassessment and identified 15 material matters
- Realigned the Manager’s initiatives and reconfirmed 7 UN SDGs
- Performed data collection for all 15 material ESG matters identified
- Conducted internal audit review for ESG process to provide assurance on the Statement
- Aligned to 14 UN SDGs
- Disclosures in accordance with Task Force on Climate Related Financial Disclosures